Hello guys 'n gals!
My name is Erick, I'm 20 years old and addicted to music! I both listen and create, being a singer myself. I'm currently both working and studying. I work at a clothing store, and I'll be majoring in Lifestyle Studies! (Haha.. Rather stereotypical I guess but ooh well
This is gonna be my first post.. better make it count!
I read in the OP you're supposed to tell how you came across ATRL. WELL, I'm always trying to stay up to date with what's happening with my favorite singers and always ended up looking for answers here.
Sometimes you people made me laugh so hysterically with your gifs and hilarious comments, haha even thinking about the black women throwing a table makes me cry :').
I'm trying to figure out how to make my profile looking less.. empty.. But I'm not that great with figuring everything out. Getting the avi I want took me about 45 minutes.. but enough about that!
I think my signature is going to tell you to whom I'm listening. Mainly pop girls, but I also like me some Rock/ Hard Rock. I almost like every genre though
, just not every artist. Feel free to ask me anything or invite me to thread you think I should see.
I'm looking forward to posting here a lot!