Originally posted by Corsola
His laning phase is one of his biggest cons tho. He suffers the Zyra (mid) syndrome where he's EXTREMELY prone to being camped and can't do much about it. Except it's even worse than Zyra cause at least she has a more reliable snare and free wards with her W
Yeah, I'm going to have with the you and the pros on this one about his laning phase.
I actually think its pretty poor in comparison to others but not for the reasons you listed.
I feel like Jhin only works in certain compositions, specifically ones built around double ADC comps/protect the ADC at all costs comps (even though they aren't all that popular, I can see him not doing too bad mid)
Simply because Jhin works better in extended fights/trades so the longer his team or front line can keep him alive the better.
This also means quick trading with him early feels like blah.
Especially if the enemy bot lane has a Janna/Nami/Soraka that can just heal whatever damage he puts out since its that low.
Also it is pretty easy to gank him and
If he's being camped by the jungler the main thing he has to worry about is the fact that he has no real escape/mobility so yeah he's prone to making a bad bank by the enemy jungler a good one if his flash isn't up.
His kit is just weird early on, I'd rather have higher base damage than a crit every 4 shots at that stage of the game but that's just me.