Originally posted by Flare312
Bad Girl will answer you :3 I think it's 3rd single! Fans of Under My Skin will come back althought this song will peak only top50 )
I think those fans (the ones remaining, that is) are putting too much faith in that song. I'm not saying it'll be good or bad, but people are expecting it to as good as UMS was for them, which might not be the case
And frankly, I'd rather those music snobs didn't come back, because they're constantly bitching with everything that doesn't match their tastes. More open-minded fans is what she needs, not some RAWK fanatics who can't get over that album. I would agree she needs to show her mature side more with her singles, but I don't see these last singles that bratty.
What she should do for future albums is starting with her "mature side" for a change, and then release a more (not too much) fun/carefree 2nd single. General audience isn't impressed anymore, and her fans are tired of her "classic" kind of upbeat singles, which almost never are fan favourites anymore. But I think it's too late for this era, hopefully she'll do well enough to keep her career going after a few years. And if she can have a nice tour, much better; she needs to tour US, Australia and some euro countries she didn't visit