1. Favorite Marina Song: Immortal
2. Marina's Best Song: Savages
3. Favorite Marina album: The Family Jewels
4. Have you seen Marina live? No.
5. When did you become a fan? During TFJ era. I randomly saw the Hollywood video on MTV () and I instantly loved the song so I checked the album too.
1. Favorite Marina Song: Fear & Loathing 2. Marina's Best Song: Idk. I feel like FROOT is her smartest song. 3. Favorite Marina album: Electra Heart 4. Have you seen Marina live? If so when?: Not yet, but i'm going to December 6th and February 21st! 5. When did you become a fan?: Electra Heart era
Can't remember my averages. All my scores were really high , think the lowest I gave was a 6. I wouldn't stan her if her music wasn't that good.
1. Favorite Marina Song: I can't decide. 2. Marina's Best Song: See above. 3. Favorite Marina album: The Family Jewels holds a nostalgic sentimentality for me but FROOT is arguably her most cohesive and realised body of work. 4. Have you seen Marina live? If so when?: September 30th, 2012. Seeing her again November 24th. 5. When did you become a fan?: TFJ era. Hollywood's video was on TV. I bought the album in release week and the rest is history.