Originally posted by Megshere
Try and justify it all you want with that ****. That doesn't make it ok. By "praising" or purchasing, etc their "talents" and products, you are supporting them. How is it ok to support a rapist? HOW?
Everyday we support monsters whether we realize it or not... Individuals, companies, organizations, the local, state, and federal government...
I've never bought an R. Kelly album or single, never paid for Terry Richardson pictures, and I don't think I have ever seen a Woody Allen film in theaterss.
These men are disgusting, but let's be real... Does that take away from their talent? No.
Believe me, every time one person says someone is talented, there are at least three people who will bring up their dark past, the disgusting things they have done, etc. They may have escaped justice, but they won't escape what they have done.
With that in mind, I will do what I want with my money and I will decide whether or not I feel that my coins are really making a difference in hurting someone.