Originally posted by vamp
So? People make mistakes. He is 19 and he is young and foolish for doing this but people that young myself included make mistakes in life and sometimes we don't really understand the consequences of our actions before we make them. We don't know what was going throught his mind before the attacks happened.
please read your comments back to yourself and tell me you're not trying to cast sympathy on a terrorist. So what if he is "young and foolish"? Since when is 19 considered too young to be held responsible for your own actions? He's not a toddler, he knew full well what he was doing and that it was wrong. If he REALLY felt bad for doing what he and his brother did then he would have turned himself in long before shooting up MIT, killing a police officer, jacking someone's car and holding them hostage, running over his own brother and hiding away in somebody's backyard, causing a national crisis.
Yes, it's sad that it had to come to this, and that he was probably heavily influenced by his brother's radicalism, but that really has nothing to do with anything at this point. Dzokhar made the decision to go along with his brother on his own. I'm with you in that I want to know more about their motives and why he went along with it, but he does NOT deserve your sympathy.
Direct that to the victims and their loved ones.