Blitzcrank OP...
I can't...I can literally make a flawfree difficult play with other support and barely get something out of it, yet Blitz gets one grab and you are dead. Also he can one shot mid-late game if he builds anough AP. Ult having 15 seconds cooldown
...etc. Please nerf him
And I am not pressed I got destroyed by Blitz. I actually PLAYED Blitz (I am not playing him very often) and I completely destroyed all of their team, while saving mine. He is so easy to play. Enemy was like "blitz is carrying u", "you are pro at blitz?" etc. I was like no, I hate him
But thanks Blitz I climbed into Bronze II now thanks to that match, hopefully I'll get back to silver eventually.
Btw I also got a very satisfying game as Janna against Twitch and Thresh. I kinda tend to not pick Janna because of low dmg output but that was a good decision. Bronze ADCs still can't play with Soraka tho, so I gave up on her.