Rowan's Review Queen of roses, I used you in my first play through of a Gen IV game. Love your design, love how you look like an actual evolution and took Roselia from obscurity to a dominating stance! Your design is very well done, from the 50's inspired hair do, the two roses as your hands and that cape, I LOVE that cape. Very Zoro. Is this why Aciid stans? You’re a true queen and icon, and you rose to the Top 10.
Battle Spot You have access to two things: Toxic Spikes and Sleep Powder, which makes setting up for you very easily. Added is your great Special Attack so you're not just here to provide support but also dish out some hits. Your abilities are also very useful getting Technician and Natural Cure! You have one of the strongest uses for Hidden Power in the meta game. Queen! Plus your Sunny Day + Weather Ball set up is also really fun to play with.
Team Galatic Grunts Corner:
BOA "serve for the gods amazing empress of flowers, snatch that ugly crown from Xteena in the remakes" Ha Lotus mega evolve is coming soon.
Topmaster the hate "Hate this bitch, ugly, fat, weak, there are some good fem pokemon in this gen but this piece of trash it's not one of them."
Chanel brings us back "Queen. Icon. Legend. Slay us."
Hugamari "Ugh ****ing SICKENING. Grass Type Excellence™ if I ever did see it"
Phresh "I'm sure this will make it high, and I don't hate it but I hate accid so a 1 from me!" The obsession
IT "wtf is that white stuff on it's head" Left overs from aciid
Lord Gaga " I know they will sabotage her but I can’t help but give her an 11. She was the reason I gave grass types a chance when I was younger." I don't think anyone remembered to!
Veis "Queen!"
Jpow "sorry Aciid I still feel like you rated Dunsparce low" The revenge!
iNinja "Queen is 100x better looking than her mom. Serving elegance and class." ...whos her mom?