Originally posted by Fadicuss
I pretty much adore Marry The Night. The 2:42-2:58 part of this song almost makes me cry. Her best song yet to me. I've never felt something like that while listening to a song before. It's really weird to be honest haha.
I LOVE scheibe, GH, Judas, The Edge Of Glory, Heavy Metal Lover (surprised), Bloody Mary, Electric Chapel
I like Hair
I don't really feel for now Americano, You And I, Bad Kids, Highway Unicorns and the 3 bonus tracks. Maybe later it will grow on me
But I'm impressed - in The Fame there was the 4 singles that were epic, but other then that, there wasn't a lot of great great songs. The Fame Monster had a lot of good songs, but had only 8 tracks. On the other hand, the majority of the tracks of BTW are awesome!
I literally love every track, I am not being funny but this is the album I have waited for my whole life. I was born in the 90s but I have been living in the 80s...this brings me to our current time but embraces all that I love about the 80s and 80s music. Sorry guys but she clearly wrote this album for me, it's going to define my late teens and quite possibly my early adult life.