NOTE: The Ruby Power has been used on Hugamari, moving him up one spot. One person (unless they've been eliminated) still has the Ruby Power.
Remember from the Odd Trinity twist where I said the Golden Trinity would have a special reward since their power was temporarily stolen from them? Last round, 2 out of the 3 people in the Golden Trinity were the same and I couldn't use this twist. Now, it’s time for the Golden Trinity from Round 6, the Odd Trinity to be compensated.
The Golden Trinity of this round will behave as normally, choosing one contestant to eliminate from the Flop Trinity. However, before this decision is posted in the thread, it will be sent to Round 6’s Golden Trinity, who can choose to veto the decision if they’d like to, invalidating it. The Golden Trinity would have to discuss and decide on another member to eliminate from the Flop Trinity.
If last round’s Golden Trinity can’t come to an agreement, they only need a majority, two contestants, to agree on a decision. I need the initial decision from this week’s Golden Trinity within 24 hours of this post, and preferably earlier. Good luck!
dd. If he's online right now then yes. Round 6's Golden Trinity already has a majority but I told them they couldn't officially decide as a unit until they talked to Kyle.