Watched a documentary about Whitney and Bobby's rise and fall from grace.
I didn't know she got so low at one point that she trashed her house and had eyes and random words like 'STOP' painted over her walls. Note this was AFTER Preacher's Wife and Cinderella (referring to Glamazon's post earlier). She kicked her mother and brother out of her house and didn't want to talk to them anymore.
There was commentary included by people who worked for/with/under her and various other people who had been involved with her over the years. An underlying sense of Whitney being tormented by the industry was emphasised throughout the whole documentary and at one point someone even said it was like there was a battle between 'God' and 'Satan' for her soul (and this wasn't a conspiracy documentary trust me)
They also kept mentioning the fact that Whitney was a cash cow for everybody and her family let her do what she wanted (drugs, etc) because all they wanted was the $$$ (Britney teas). This makes me wonder if Whitney had indeed woken up eventually and realised her family were using and abusing her and that's why she turned her mother away at one point (even though her mother came across pretty decently the whole time).
Whitney's story is so sad. Still can't believe she's gone. :/