Originally posted by Genocide
What's the difference though? I understand there's more of a back story to painting your face black, but shouldn't the intentions of doing something like this be considered first before the history of it? If one does it in spite, whether it be a mask or paint should be irrelevant
I see what you're saying, but while there is a large history behind the actual face paint, there isn't one behind an Obama mask (just an example). This makes it easier to use the argument that "there are no bad intentions," because one hasn't really been that offensive in the past. Here the offense is taken because black face paint has a history of being offensive, while black masks for certain characters aren't rooted in much, less history = more attention given to intention.
There are those who would get offended by an Obama mask, and they exist as it was given a wide amount of coverage some time ago (just google it), and I would support their right to be offended but I don't personally see it as something quite as serious.