Originally posted by BoyLikeYouSuxx
Glad there's a thread like this finally. Idk about you guys but skillet remains in my top 5 bands list
Also can someone help with what I should define as? I believe in God and pray, however I don't go to church and I don't believe much of the bible other than the loving and unifying parts, would I be considered Christian or am I just spiritual person with faith in God?
I'm in the same boat as you.
Well, if you're not a Christian, it would mean that you are not religious. (or rather you don't follow the Christian religion because there are tons of religions) If you believe in the aspect of God/Prayer, you may just be spiritual but not subscribe to a specific religion? There are definitely terms for it, but as long as you are happy worshiping/living the way you do, don't worry too much about trying to box yourself into a definition. It'll drive you nuts.