I watched the interview videos on BigBrotherNetwork (I hate Rachel) so here are my first impressions:
First: AHHHHHH ALL NEW CAST YASSS THANK YOU JESUS!!! My prayers have been answered! Now I'm just praying they don't throw any random veterans in on night 2 of this superlaunch or whatever is going on next week.
Amber: I actually liked her a lot, she's very pretty but still intelligent, mentioned an all-girls alliance, and had some good strategy talk.
Brittany: No, too much talk about being a single mother. I don't care.
Caleb: Accent was annoying, and wanting to be the "bob" on top of the hook? What the ****? I'm pretty sure that's the same thing as a floater...
Christine: I thought I would hate her but her energy is actually super infectious and she seemed very earnest and I couldn't help but like her.
Cody: Obviously very good looking and the Italian stereotype had me worried, but he stood out (amongst all the other jock types) as by far my favorite as he seemed to have a good read on things, was able to talk strategically, and was very methodical in the way he answered questions, which I appreciated.
Derrick: Don't like cops, especially after Tony on Survivor last season but he seemed okaaaay I guess.
Devin: I did like him, but he seems too much like Howard (overly preachy) and he wouldn't shut up about his daughter.
Donny: Couldn't make it through the interview, his accent was intolerable.
Frankie: Couldn't make it through the interview, he was so ****ING ANNOYING.
Hayden: Couldn't make it through the interview, why the **** does Grodner insist on having this long-haired, laidback, hippie DUMB**** type EVERY ****ING SEASON!? I hated Frank, I hated David, I hate Hayden.
Jacosta: Oh my god, what a treat. She's perfect. Hilarious, rootable, and intelligent. Definitely hope she goes far. Mentioned an all girls alliance!
Joey: Again, I thought I wouldn't like her but she surprised me in a good way. She was so blunt with all her answers and I really hope she's that way in the house too. Mentioned an all girls alliance!
Nicole: I actually liked her (though I have a feeling I might hate her once she's in), she seemed like she was really nervous, but I still got a sense of her quirkiness. She's cute.
Paola: Similar to Nicole, I like her but I can see her getting annoying quick. Hope she proves me wrong, as she also seems like she could be a spunky fireball. I did cackle at her listing all the types of people that annoy her though. And ANOTHER all girl alliance girl! Nice!
Victoria: So boring. The only one I honestly thought was boring.
Zach: Ughhh I did like him but "throw 99% of the comps" ***** NOOOO! I hate people who do that. And then "not a floater" Uh huh, sure. Hopefully he can still be a big character. He seems like a really smart social player though. Oh and I respect people that say they're gonna save the money. WAIT at him being a fan of Boogie. Ew. Oh wait at him proclaiming to be the villain before even starting. I do like that.
All in all, GREAT CAST! So diverse, no returning players, no relatives of past "favorites," I'm oh so happy!
Early faves: Cody, Amber, Zach, Paola, Joey, Jacosta, Christine.
Hate: Donny, Frankie, Hayden
Originally posted by Starmie
Originally posted by Shy Boy