Originally posted by Jicky
And what should for instance Hungary do in this case!? We are trying to protect Europe but all every country does it criticizing us. I want to see when Austria gets overwhelmed by the sheer numbers trying to enter how will they cope! But this applies to every contry in the west.
About them not living in ghettos, well I lived 9 years in London, maybe they don't call them ghettos per se but some do live in ghetto like environment.
Hungary is completely shutting them out, which is something the EU is trying to prevent. They should be registrered, documented and give shelter in camps until a solution is formed.
But that is not with the interest of the immigrants, so it is a very very complicated case. It's not just a case of throw them all to the west and let them take care of it and neither is it a case of keeping them in the east and let them take care of it.
None of the countries will cope with it as there is no plan. The eastern countries are blocking the quotas and the western countries are trying their hardest to not get stuck with all the immigrants, as no country will be able to handle that.
Personally I would opt for a temporary plan, until the region is stable enough to send them back. Shelter them, do not give them welfare benefits, but just give them what they need in order to stay alive and live. Then fight ISIS and help stabalize the region, so they return and rebuild their country