Originally posted by Stepfon
It's really weird how at the beginning of her career the critics blasted everything that Hilary did. Do you remember that one article that was released in 2003 that called Hilary the Diva of the Year because in The Lizzie McGuire Movie she moved her mom's (Hallie Todd) hair out of place before they hugged in the airport. I was like "Um, Hilary is in nearly EVERY single frame of this movie, you tried."
No I don't remember that lol but
The media has always been very hypocritical about Hilary, but I guess they are about the majority of celebs.
Remember how Hilary was asked at TRL what she thought about Avril saying that fans imitating her were losers or posers or whatever and she defended them, but was attacked by Avril & critics for being a goody two shoes.
I'm just worried that everyone saying she looks fab now will backtrack if she becomes toned again. I can see the headlines now: "Hilary loses a ton of weight after having baby, must be starving herself again."