Originally posted by SO.UNCOOL™
There's no way that's M. YULIA on "Perfect Place" & "Call Me". The english seems too good for it to be her Plus it sounds nothing like her. Minami is a possiblity. & it does kinda sound like JAY'ED on "Yesterday" but I'm not sure either.
They shoulda just released the collabs with the tracklist. What a mess it's gonna be to tag the songs on last fm
I don't know if this is true(as it's really a reach
) but on the She's So video on the m-flo youtube account, a user with Taku's name said that they're not planning on releasing who they're collaborating with.
Just to let you know, we are not planning to reveal the guest vocalists this time.
TakuTakahashiTOKYO hace 5 horas
It seems like it could be his actual account based off of the videos, but who knows.
Just something else to throw out there.