I also love how Kass is MILKING her spot as the first juror. That entry flipping of the bird was hilar and set the tone of the crazy tribal that would ensue.
Originally posted by Ivory.
Andrew is so dramatic. From the way he walks, the tone of his voice, how he brings stuff up, his mannerisms etc. it's all so theatrical and exaggerated.
It's so annoying.
He's a Leo.
Originally posted by Nikolai.
You guys do too much on poor Savage but anyways Stephen is so embarrassing, its like he's trying to fulfill his childhood dream of beating the guy who always got girls and that everyone liked in school. I screamed when he said "JOE IS THE ENEMY" like its not that serious bro
Yeah, I actually kind of pity Stephen because he's supposed to be this strategic know-it-all but his gameplay has been mediocre at best. Why openly target the guy who is constantly winning immunity? That's just sort of moot and grounds for backfiring onto you. Joe has been safe the entire game so far. Instead, you should wait for Joe to continue to increase the size of his own target himself, keep quiet about him, and then strike when he isn't safe. Also, he's been so fixated on getting out the "golden boy" that he seems to have failed to realize that he aligned himself with yet another golden boy, Jeremy, who is quite golden in his own way. I just feel like he's always that outcast who still so badly wants to sit at the cool kids table, which is why he'll always be looking for that JT or Jeremy to follow, instead of truly stepping into his own value and strength as an individual.
Originally posted by fais_2311
Kelleygend slayed me. I'm glad that I defended her before this. Still remember lot of people dragged her and felt that she didn't deserved her spot especially Stevie and Kometblu
I've been back and forth on Kelley. First I thought that she deserved the second chance because her father brought her down in her first season and there was a lot of untapped potential there. Then I was convinced that she ruined her own game and was just pointing fingers. Then I was upset that she was a part of the voting pool instead of a queen like Natalie Bolton, but ever since the premiere of this season, and even a bit during the pregame, I've been a fan. It was hard for me to make up my mind on someone I had barely seen play.
Originally posted by Lexiel
A crack HAS to form, if Kelley, Abi or Ciera go next I swear, someone needs to turn on Jeremy, Joe and Tasha
Spencer is such an imbecile, and Kimmi, Kelly and Keith are absolute morons.
It's really a shame how Kimmi, Wiglesworth, and Keith are allowing themselves to be used as pawns. Like, what's their end plan? Clearly they get barely any screen time because they just aren't doing anything that interesting.