“ ‘The Challenge’ and the world have been done a disservice by not having them around.”
That's all he cares about in life.
“Not only was I there, both Sarah [Rice] and Susie [Meister] were in the room at the time it supposedly took place. Both of them were victims of sexual assault in their younger years, so if anyone would have been the ones to blow the whistle, or to not let slide, it would be them.”
Have Sarah and Susie revealed this before? Why bring that up if they haven't, they don't even use you.
“All you have to do is watch any footage of her ever on a ‘Challenge’ and you’ll understand maybe you should take what she says with a grain of salt. It’s a shame that someone like her, who never brought a lot to the show anyways, was able to destroy the bright futures of two great cast members.”
How do they have a "no tolerance" policy but Tony got away with a warning last season, Amanda and Camilla's fight wasn't even addressed and now Vince gets a warning. If they aren't going to be serious with it they might as well do away with that rule and let them fight.
Wow, I feel bad for her. She probably will go home, but it depends on the timing of this sneak peek. It depends on if it's before or after her and Tony get in a fight. It's probably before, but still...