i just feel that this is the right time because i've been wanting to leave the site for the past few weeks and it seems people are starting to grow tired of me so why not leave now? bye everyone xox<3 buy jackie on itunes!
i just feel that this is the right time because i've been wanting to leave the site for the past few weeks and it seems people are starting to grow tired of me so why not leave now? bye everyone xox<3 buy jackie on itunes!
i just feel that this is the right time because i've been wanting to leave the site for the past few weeks and it seems people are starting to grow tired of me so why not leave now? bye everyone xox<3 buy jackie on itunes!
i just feel that this is the right time because i've been wanting to leave the site for the past few weeks and it seems people are starting to grow tired of me so why not leave now? bye everyone xox<3 buy jackie on itunes!
so how could y'all let this happen
y'all could have stopped him from requesting a permaban