10. Leopard Man
Whether he’s mad or not, 67yr old Tom Leppard seems extremely happy living in a hand-built home on the isle of Skye, 99% of his body tattooed with leopard print. he spends his days reading, scampering about the place on all fours like a leopard and staying away from the hustle and bustle of modern society. For a man who looks like John Locke after an intense mud fight he actually seems pretty pleasant…
07. The Illustrated Lady
Julia Gnuse (aka the illustrated lady) was born with a condition called
porphyria which causes her skin to blister regularly and ultimately scar. In order to cover this up she started getting tattoos applied over the affected areas — after 10 years she was covered in the bastards and is now the most tattooed woman in the world.
04. Pauly Unstoppable
With a name like ‘unstoppable’ you’d be stupid to give up on the modifications after a couple of earrings. This guy has surely the largest nostrils in the western world (if you look closely I’m almost certain you can see his brain) plus a huge array of other ‘body mods’ to his name including scars cut into his cheeks and forehead, a split tongue, domes implanted under the skin of his forehead and many many more. To see the complete list go
02. Lucky Diamond Rich
It goes without saying that this guy is officially the most tattooed person in the world — he swiped the record from our friend Tom Leppard at No. 10 in 2006. He has tattoos everywhere, some of the stranger places including his eyelids, inside his ears and even on his gums. It’s apparently a work in progress and has so far included the efforts of hundreds of tattoo artists and over 1,000 hrs of pain.
Obviously, he can also swallow swords.
01. Stalking Cat
First place was always gonna go to 44 yr old Dennis Avner, aka stalking cat. I remember a few years ago watching a documentary about him and nearly crying when his face appeared for the first time, my brain simply wasn’t able to process the sight. He looks like a cross between Jocelyn Wildenstein and the beast from the old beauty & the beast tv program.
And he’s gone the whole hog in terms of body modification: tattoos, silicon implants on his face, pointed teeth, surgically pointed ears, piercings, attachable whiskers, claws, a bifurcated top lip and even an animatronic tiger’s tail. He says he’s been going through these procedures for the past 20 years because he grew up in a native American tribe and his belief in their customs drove him to transform into his totem animal — the tiger.
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