Celeb News: Asian actor denied role because.. he's Asian
Member Since: 8/7/2015
Posts: 7,105
I'm done.
It's one thing to be ignorant and not realize you're being ignorant.
But it's another thing to be ignorant, and proud of it.
It's obvious that one member isn't going to change,
regardless how much we try to educate him.
Just give it a rest and ignore him guys.
He's not worth the energy and time
Member Since: 9/16/2011
Posts: 11,808
Originally posted by cheap
Are we really gonna compare children now?
well ok.
generic white kid models from google images
generic asian kid models from google images
So yeah, that character looks more white to me.
Oops, turns out that the character IS supposed to be an English Boy.
Anyways that google search is racist. When you search white boy it'll come up with the most idealistic images, and when you do the same for asians it'll show up the stereotypical slanted eyes and 'evil from the east' look. And by searching 'asian' you are mixing Han and Mongloid features into the mix, which is not an accurate representation of Japanese people.
A quick collection -I think someone requested?
Member Since: 9/16/2011
Posts: 11,808
Originally posted by .aR
"First, by leveraging the scientific concept of the 'Kindchenschema' (schema of childlike characteristics) to invoke protective/nurturing feelings in the viewer. In short, this means "huge eyes, small nose, small mouth, unpronounced chin, unpronounced lower forehead". It's a deeply hardwired biological mechanic that also makes kittens or young animals look cute for us. It's subconscious, so it works each and every time.
Second, by further maximizing eye size to convey emotion. Anime has actually turned this into a whole language - but simply put, we as humans react extraordinarily well to eyes. More so than to mouths, even. The eyes are usually the place where our gaze wants to spends the most time in any given face.
Why western-looking is usually not considered an ideal:
It's true that Japanese consider larger eyes beautiful (us Westerners do so too, by the way) and some Japanese even undergo surgery to achieve this. Still, it's not to look "western". It's to have larger and thus more expressive eyes.
For example asians also have smaller noses than western people, but you won't ever find a Japanese woman who enlarged her nose to look more western. Similar things
The same goes for anime faces. They are heavily stylized and exaggerated. Yes, the eyes are big and sometimes blue. But thats where all similarities to "western"faces end.
Male Leads: First off - yes, there are prominent blond leads. Like the eponymous Naruto, Elric from FMA or Ichigo from Bleach. But their hair is not blond/orange because it is supposed to be western, it is because it hints at them being delinquents/rebels. For a long time, bleached hair was the clear sign of a rebel in Japan. Look up "Yankee subculture" for more on this.
The most widespread male anime lead of the past decades is of average height, slender build and sports brown/black hair. It's technically "the everybody", allowing the Japanese male audience to relate to him easily.
There is no leading single archetype for female leads. They literally come in all hair colors (pink's currently all the rage though), body heights and bust sizes.
Noticed the catch? While many casts feature a blond or busty heroine, they are typically relegated to being side cast - or even foes. By and large, it's a very solid pattern ever since the invention of anime.
Of course, as always, there are exceptions to the rule (Sailor Moon, Gosick, Fortune Arterial...), but even there: note that there are always in-universe reasons in place why the girls are blond and leads. None of them is blond just because it would make them popular. As it doesn't. By default, blond girls are considered scary and rude (=foreigners). As such, to the average Japanese girl, this is not considered an image to strive for."
Important. Let me know if it is too long for y'all to read and I can try to summarise.
Member Since: 5/25/2010
Posts: 23,013
Originally posted by .aR
Asian cosplayers are much more convincing because they resemble the anime characters. White features don't.
The first comparison photo, the Asian wins.
The second comparison photo, they're both ugly. They both lose.
The third comparison photo, they both pass. It's a draw. They both win.
The fourth comparisons, the White wins.
The fifth comparison photo, the White wins.
So, what have we learned based on these findings? That any race can play an anime character.
You pretty much just have to be attractive.
Member Since: 6/9/2012
Posts: 3,964
Originally posted by Colton Haynes
I'm done.
It's one thing to be ignorant and not realize you're being ignorant.
But it's another thing to be ignorant, and proud of it.
It's obvious that one member isn't going to change,
regardless how much we try to educate him.
Just give it a rest and ignore him guys.
He's not worth the energy and time
Change what? I've already brought up the racism and how the white dude shouldn't have been cast and someone more ambiguous should've FIVE times now, yet you're still ignorant to those statements because if you aren't painting someone as a racist, then you aren't being progressive.
Member Since: 8/6/2012
Posts: 20,242
God ya'll are doing the most.
Unless the characters are known to be white like in FMA (as it takes place in an alternate version of Europe) never assume just because light hair = white.
Member Since: 8/19/2013
Posts: 40,803
Member Since: 6/9/2012
Posts: 3,964
Originally posted by I Am Music
God ya'll are doing the most.
Unless the characters are known to be white like in FMA (as it takes place in an alternate version of Europe) never assume just because light hair = white.
I never assumed that light hair means you're white But nobody looks at Sailor Moon and says "Wow, that's an asian woman." I'm not going to buy a Britney album and expect it to be in ****ing japanese
Member Since: 8/12/2012
Posts: 4,101
Originally posted by Blatboy
She looks white to me because she has blonde hair and blue ****ing eyes Sorry my racist mind doesn't assume asian when I see that.
Girl, the main character of the show she's from has pink hair. What does he look like to you
You're trying to ground fantasy in reality. If people in that show only had natural hair colors, maybe you'd have an argument, but all the colors of the rainbow are fully represented in the hair/eye colors of the characters in that anime. Somehow despite living in some alternate reality where these colors are naturally possible, you think that the only way she can have these features is if she's white.
Just because she looks white to you, it doesn't mean she does to everyone. Like I said before, you need her to have distinctly Asian features to see her as anything other than white because western cartoons have taught you that characters are white unless differentiated otherwise. It's the opposite for Japanese people. Hair/eye color isn't enough for them, they have to give her a different kind of nose, or cheekbones, etc to show the Japanese that the character is supposed to be white.
She's never going to look Japanese to you, it's a cultural difference.
Member Since: 5/25/2010
Posts: 23,013
Just brewed me some coffee. I rarely do this,
but let me go ahead and read through this entire thread.
Member Since: 3/16/2011
Posts: 6,580
Originally posted by .aR
Oops, turns out that the character IS supposed to be an English Boy.
Yes I know the character is an english boy and you said it looks asian AF which is false. And you also said most look like that so you accidentally said most look white.
But chill girl, all I'm saying is that there's indeed anime characters that look asian AND there's also anime characters that look white. Even more so in older anime.
Originally posted by .aR
by searching 'asian' you are mixing Han and Mongloid features into the mix, which is not an accurate representation of Japanese people.
Should you be saying that when you are including korean boys in your 'japanese' examples.
Member Since: 8/7/2015
Posts: 9,307
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 7,508
Originally posted by Kahi
Did Dragonball Evolution and Avatar: The Last Airbender teach Hollywood NOTHING?
I mean Naruto would be a wise choice for Hollywood to cast with a caucasian actor, but Light Yagami? BYEEEE.
The problem was not casting white actors, it was casting ****** actors. Besides in the case of DB Goku is an alien he's not supposed to be Asian.
Member Since: 5/25/2010
Posts: 23,013
Originally posted by 1989
"I'm clearly Asian. And only an Asian can play me. And if an Asian doesn't play me,
I want all of you to get really mad, because, look at me... I'm clearly Asian."
Member Since: 9/1/2013
Posts: 6,762
Hollywood is slowly killing itself
Member Since: 1/4/2014
Posts: 6,751
You didn't need 12 pages to figure out American audiences don't care for Asian actors...especially playing lead parts in a movie. Studios are just giving the American public what they want.
Member Since: 8/19/2013
Posts: 6,308
Nat Wolff is not a good actor. Have any of you seen behaving badly; Selena literally saved that movie.
Member Since: 8/7/2015
Posts: 18,105
what the ****
serves me Disney's live action for Mulan teas
Member Since: 5/25/2010
Posts: 23,013
Sora looks Asian (or Asian mixed), though.
So, some controversy over a full-blooded Caucasian playing him would be warranted.
Member Since: 6/15/2011
Posts: 10,115
Damn this guy is so hot.