Originally posted by Mezik
Urr I hear enough of her on RTV Zone already.
I may watch Pearl Islands though.
There's no such thing as enough Sandra. Hew else can win the game TWICE and still be such a mega bitch to everyone around her.
Hiding all the tribe's tools <3333333333
Letting her best friend take the blame for it <333333333
The only person who knew Fairplay lied <333333333
Calling Rob 'Boston Bob' <3333333333
Telling Russel to his face "I'm against you" <33333333
Not telling anyone she had the idol <33333333
Never winning a single immunity challenge <333333
Her rice & beans alliance with Courtney <33333333
Voting Rupert out and STILL getting his vote to win <3333333333
She's the Queen of Survivor. No one is better.