It's alright. I can't complain when my fav put out a video of her strutting around for 5 mins, but I can say that it seems as though someone was just tossing out ideas from the top of their head for this video until it was over.
"Hmmm, how about a nice reference to Avril Lavigne? That's never been done before. Ooh, but we'll make her more badass than Avril Lavigne, we'll have her flash some cops and stuff. And how about some robots? I've got one! Let's let her **** some robots up with a microphone!" No, gonna stop there, I feel bitter now. It's alright.
I WILL SAY, I guess I can appreciate that it's fun, and more playful than some of the videos out there. My fav takes all hers too seriously.
or maybe thats how you saw it. dont be mad because your fave could never.