I don't know why, I never expected something to come on any friday or so, but seriously, this time I was ready to wake up (after I nearly passed out, it's middle of the night here) in the night and see ppl tweeting Room 8 or something. I mean, they finally got me my ticket + Adam Blackstone writing about something that might be band rehearsals... I hella understood I'm not gonna get everything, but this time there was even some hope. (Anyways, I'm not attending 2nd show if Robz isn't releasing album before tour... not that rich to spend money on 2 greatest hits tour shows+transport+visa+everything else. Currency costs are nuts at the moment, thanks to diplomatic warfares. I know I'm gonna regret this decision after all cuz the show is going to be lit, but right now it's easier to have it)
Originally posted by Teneo
Not using a Samsung product ever again.
Plot twist, or Call this "unexpected outcome of marketing campaign"