After a well needed little breather after the events that have happened, I have decided to re-start the thread and continue the game!
The mods haven't contacted me back about re-opening the thread so I'm taking as their no response as it can't be re-opened so I'm making a new thread!
When we left off we were finding a new partner for Gohustle!
His new partner was going to be TheProphet or Roy and the votes have been casted and....
Gohustle your new partner is TheProphet!!!
Roy you have been evicted from the Big Brother house but you expressed to me through PM that you were going to withdraw anyway, so I guess its fate
Goodluck with life Roy!
Well now that we know Gohustle's new partner its time to do HOH but because of the events that have happened we are actually behind. As well as Gohustle hasn't properly had an HOH reign so
he and TheProphet are currently HOH's. I'm gonna ask for their nominations soon and then the POV sent!