True, but if you take Amazon out of the picture she has more than trebled it. A different way to look at it would be like this:
Amazon is around 10% of the digital market IIRC. Gaga sold 660k in downloads, 440k of which came from Amazon. That means 220k came from other digital retailers. If Amazon didn't do the 99 cent deal, this would be 90% of the total, giving total digital sales of 245k. Add that to the physicals and you get 693k, and give another couple of thousand to make up for sales lost by markets such as iTunes due to Amazon, giving around 710-720k. Using that statistic, she will have trebled her sales in a few weeks.
Amazon really screwed with the longevity of this album, but I'm still happy that she has her name in the 1M+ debut record books