Originally posted by IBeMe
Glamazon what about cops? do you think they are under mk ultra? at least the ones that have been doing crazy stuff lately in order to push the ppl to act up and get enraged ?
also about Alicia Keys. aparently she wasnt under mk ultra or any of that during her debut and second album it was during the long break between her second album and third that something changed. she also sold out during that time most ppl clame her image got a lot sexier and the girl who used to speak about social injustices and stuff was gone. she was so different and sort of superficial
The police are a freemasonic organization. They just take commands from the guys on top. Just like politicians.
Alicia is Mk ultra. She was one of the kids Bill Cosby "groomed" as a kid. She was the Elites non aggressive, angry black woman archetype (Tracy Chapman) and served her part perfectly. She's elevated into an international beta model. Not diamond like Beyoncé or Rihanna or Serena Williams, but still I importance. Notice all the "speeches" and "global humanitarian" events she attends. And I remember she named her child Egypt and threw up the baphomet at the Amas and the camera panned RIGHT ti Jay Z. And she was also on Empire State Of Mind (the Illuminati national anthem). She's a national jewel.