Once again expanding her boundaries instead of being afraid and sticking to safe music. The people who take risks and expand are the ones who are remembered. Queen.
as much as it sounds like single material lets not mess up this era like BTW
Well, it all depends on the songs themselves. It's three new songs (one of them with official radio support). DWUW is indeed single material, so "Venus" has to literally blow it off the water.
Well, it all depends on the songs themselves. It's three new songs (one of them with official radio support). DWUW is indeed single material, so "Venus" has to literally blow it off the water.
OR she could pull a Rihanna and have VENUS being played on pop radio stations and DO WHAT U WANT being played on R&B/Hip-Hop/Rap stations. Pour It Up, ha impact.
There is simply no reason to dislike this. I can't even comprehend how good this is she continues to surprise me. Next thing you know Fashion! will be the best song on the album.
DJWS forgive us for ever doubting you the preview is so good and I'm so happy that we are getting promo singles Applause was just starting to lose its punch.