Originally posted by classiccity98
I dont understand how hating white people solves any of this but OK
It doesn't help at all.
But you have to understand where we are coming from.
Our entire lives, at least in America, the way we are taught history is racist. It basically calls indigenous people animals and that the only way for a country to be formed is for a white man to "discover" it, we're taught about slavery and how the US saved the world from Hitler, and how the Holocaust is the worst tragedy the world has ever seen.
Once you get old enough and start to read books about actual American History and learn that Lincoln thought the slaves should be shipped to the west to start their own society, or how Jefferson raped his slaves, or how Andrew Johnson would hang black children.
Then you look at your money, and you're disgusted you live under the system and there's nothing you can do about it.
Hating white people, or any people is wrong, but when you live in a society that constantly throws in your face how insignificant your people are you tend to have strong feelings about it.