Originally posted by LoveLiveMusic
So when Ted leaves the bar, we see him going to the Mother's place, so that's 45 days from now Ted, what was he talking about wanting those 45 days or the 45 seconds? So would this mean Present Ted and the Mother meet either that night or next day if they get to spend either the 45 days together or the 45 seconds before Louis shows up and possibly have the different outcomes like with Coat Check Girl?
I understood it as a different scenario of what he would have done that night instead, just his imagination. He didn't actually meet the mother that night or 45 days from now on the exact same spot, just that had he known that he would meet the mother soon he would have went to her house instead of watching the show.
Originally posted by theREALslimSHADY
the subplots of the episodes of season 8, regarding Marshall and Lily have been really boring !!
Season 8, to be honest, is my least favourite season of the show!!
I agree that Lily/Marshall plots have been bad this season but the worst one has to be season 5
I only liked Robin 101 and The Playbook episodes but the rest are
. The finale is very lackluster they just want to have kids because of a fake doppelganger that's it
Though my least favorite episode by far is in Season 4, "The Best Burger in New York"
I don't think I laughed even once there