I mean, Nicki was shading Taylor then was like "omg I wasn't talking about you. RACISM."
Now Katy brings herself up when she actually WASN'T the topic of conversation at all. Like, way to look obsessed and brain-dead.
Burn in hell, you useless talentless idiotic bouncing pair of boobs, you evil witch, you Dr. Luke stooge who couldn’t hack it out without using homophobia and grade-school shock value to get fame, and who still can’t cross 3 mil in the US no matter how many disposable trash hit singles you have when Taylor sails past 4 mil each era even when She has no #1s. Maybe it's because most of your fans are pre-pubescent and can only afford to buy songs, not albums.
Why are Gaga stans even saying she's too scared to @ Taylor when Gaga NEVER @'d Katy with the plethora of shade she threw with Roar vs. Applause, the mechanical horse, green hair, etc.?
lol you all. Gaga would probably tweet something like "no negativity in this site thanks"
Not that this thread has anything to do with Gaga, but she is on her "don't give a ****" swag right now, so I'm betting she would say a bit more if her and Katy had not made up.