Originally posted by TheMariahMafia
I expect you to sell talent short since your fave lacks it but don't get upset because we use THAT to defend Mariah. It's what she's KNOWN for. You can only showboat #1s and single sales. #1 albums, talent and influence are words that don't sit in your vocabulary.
Please. They do, too. In fact, I stan for other artists that are the most talented in their respective regions. I know what talent is and I acknowledge that Rihanna isn't the most talented person in the world. Do not generalize Rihanna stans and behave as if all of them act the same way. Don't even think of it.
It's just a stupid argument. We all know Mariah has more talent than Rihanna, but you come across as delusional if you act like Rihanna has
0 talent, so let's not go there. Sit.