Originally posted by "
just to be different someone should do worst atrl members. That would be funny.
Great idea...!
My top 10 worst ATRL members:
1 Most annoying ******* fan= RocketLove
2 Another ******* fan: Pedro or PeteLovesShit+Kaki
3 Another ******* fan: GreenRocks1 (dont know what happened to you...)
4 Another ******* fan: It's London Bitch (who created the official ******* thread to talk about her crap and how she'll sadly flop)
5 Another ******* fan: Cesar (you're just....
6 Kworb
7 ! Britney Bitch i (don't know you but you seem to love *******)
8 raguabros
9 Ing MARC (the anti-peruvian)
10 <3 Shakidrian <3 (who thinks Kakira is the best thing on earth
Great joke)