Why does chart positions matter so much? you want her to get a generic forgettable number one?
One thing i love about Beyonce number ones is people remember them
What does chart positions matter so much? you want her to get a generic forgettable number one?
One thing i love about Beyonce number ones are people remember them
No one said Generic, boo. Just radio friendly is all. Schoolin' Life isn't generic, but it has electro influences.
You gurls stay doubting, but electropop can be done gracefully and the gud sis Beyonce Sasha proved that with the masterpiece that is Single Ladies and Sweet Dreams and their little sister Radio.
But I ain't mad. Let me pop my bussy to Radio right now.
all she need is a album with 4 strong single like:
Dangerously in love:
Crazy in love
Baby boy
Naughty girl
I am...Sasha fierce
Single ladies
If i were a boy
Sweet Dream
End of time
I care
I was Here
either: Run the world, love on top(i hated but people love the song so) countdown.
5th album (NO dream song)
1st electro pop song with live drums, synth, orchestra and the electronic sound like sweet dream
2nd Power Ballad like produce by Ryan tedder
3rd song produce by Kanye and Brasker
4rd uptempo produce by sweet dream producer