Originally posted by Vini
Agree with you but Canada will probably keep dependant of the US for the following one or two decades at least, I don't really see Anti-Americanism growing that strong in Canada... And many consider Canada as a separate part of U.S.A...... Canadians will have to work hard if they want to get their image apart from U.S.A
I'm not saying that they're going
to suddenly transform, it certainly is happening, and yes, it will be more profound in 15-20 years. But are you Canadian? I'm not sure if anti-Americanism is everywhere in Canada (I don't know what the sentiments are in the prairies), but Eastern Canada is vehemently anti-American, especially the youth. America an Americans are frequently ridiculed. American scholars and writers have noted that Canada has recently become one of the most anti-American states in the western world.
But anyways, this could be perpetually debated and isn't for the iTunes thread
(Also, considering Canada part of the US is something Many Canadians detest. Although the two cultures are currently similar, the Canadian identity is just so so different from the American identity)
Where's TSWABH at?