You guys are desperately reaching. Pop art was in music before gaga and it will be used in music after gaga in many generations to come. Stop being pressed that katy did it better.
U guys are desperately reaching. Pop art was in music before gaga and it will be used after gaga in many generations to come. Stop being pressed that katy did it better.
Is this directed at MTV? I don't think they can hear you, dear.
U guys are desperately reaching. Pop art was in music before gaga and it will be used after gaga in many generations to come. Stop being pressed that katy did it better.
it's funny that little monster kayla and others can't seem to make up their minds: did katy emulate gaga and "make it better" or did she not emulate her at all?
The square hair do is very BTW ball, the black and white hair is very Judas era. The painting fashion is very early ARTPOP so I don't see why people are pissed at comparisons.
Because she is a walking art piece. Theater without intermission. A foie gras of pop, not a french fry to be consumed as fast as possible and onto the next one in the bag. A-R-T-P-O-P. And it looks like ha impacT is here