I was biting my nails throughout the whole episode.
When Ezra was walking to the bistro, I was like, "NOOUUU!!!! GO BACK! GO BACK!" Or when Aria was at Holden's tournament thing, I was like, "STAY THERE, ARIA! STAY THERE!!!" And then Caleb in the police office. kdajshjkdhgsjdg My baby
And Hanna trying to figure out the password, I'm just like, "HURRY UP! OMG! HACK! HACK! HACK!"
Emily's storyline--or lack thereof--continues to bore me.
Guys, can I just say that Caleb is so cute? Ahh. His password has he and Hanna's love date and she's like, "What's that number?" And he's like "Ermm....noooothiiiinggg....
" And she's like, "Why the exclamation point?" And he's like, "Because...punctuation..." He's freaking adorable. I love him so much.
While we're on the subject of couples, I used to ship Emaya SO HARD...but Maya pissed me off in this episode. I think she was being kind of selfish, to be honest. But then again, I know she was desperate and Emily was the only person she could really count on...but still . She shouldn't have gotten upset that Emily couldn't go with her.
And Spencer is just kind of there.
I miss when all the action used to center around her. Now she has barely anything to do with anything. Last episode she wasn't even put in a proper group! She was just wandering around.
Oh and Holden. I guessed he was in fight club. Close enough.
Now, "A" is going to leave Caleb alone because he/she/it realized that Haleb is too smart for his/her/its silly games.
How many episodes until the season finale? I don't want it to end...but I really want to know who "A" is. THEY ARE SO CLOSEsaghsdfkjghs.
Good episode. XD