Originally posted by ks_dollar
Yeah you would have a Taylor stan name.
As someone that was clearly very critical over putting her music on streaming services of course Taylor would have a powerful say over this entire thing.
It's so greedy, extra and narc.
Did you read the first part of my statement. It is most likely the labels doing this and not Taylor, but there are legal implications as well. I am not speaking about vines; I am speaking about copyright and trademark infringement in general which is illegal to begin with. Taylor actually does like some vine posts, but Universal is a major player in following up on copyright infringement and it is legal requirement. Don't go blaming Taylor; I am just presenting the legality of it! And with Taylor's big name, it is even more apparent when people will use her name for their own personal gain (and again, I am not just speaking about vines), and thereby dilute the brand. Blame Universal and a bunch of lawyers, why don't you! I am sure this is happening with other artists as well, however, since Tay Tay is the most exposed and popular, then it makes sense to crap on her?