Am I the only one who isn't as excited as they are nervous for this album? I'm very scared. My expectations are high, and with over half of the only 11 songs midtempo or ballad, that leaves us with only a handful of dance tracks, and WMN sucks, and we've already heard Only Girl sooooo there are only going to be three new good songs?
Am I the only one who isn't as excited as they are nervous for this album? I'm very scared. My expectations are high, and with over half of the only 11 songs midtempo or ballad, that leaves us with only a handful of dance tracks, and WMN sucks, and we've already heard Only Girl sooooo there are only going to be three new good songs?
Many people not love WMN in first lisen.
Ballad and midtempo not mean bad song.
Uptempo is not mean good song.
How much old you are?
Aww be nice to gareton - he does pretty well with his english. Some people who should be pros at english are worse (cough khloves cough). Totally kidding, I love the way khloves talks
English is not our first language.
I think it's better if you would help us how to write correctly instead of laughing at us.
I'm not angry. Still love Ya'll.
English is not our first language.
I think it's better if you would help us how to write correctly instead of laughing at us.
I'm not angry. Still love Ya'll.
You have to give it up to anyone who is willing to post on a predominantly English-forum without full knowledge of English. I'm in the process of learning Spanish and I could not post on a Spanish forum at this stage. People shouldn't ridicule them.