Originally posted by Music 2005
So...I am predicting that Singles will go like this:
#1) Mr. Know It All
#2) What Doesn't Kill You
#3) Dark Side
#4) I Forgive You
#5) You Love Me
I have a feeling that the label wants I Forgive you while Kelly wants You Love Me...they will sadly compromise and release both...
Honestly, I think that the original plan was:
#1) What Doesn't Kill You
#2) I Forgive You
#3) The War Is Over
The producer for TWIO said that it was most likely to be Single #3...way before the album release.
They then decided to release MKIA randomly as lead single and put Dark Side on the sticker due to the leak getting great fan feedback.
The label then decided that I Forgive You should be Single #3 because of its radio friendliness...this explains Darkchilds wife tweeting about it.
During Kelly's radio interview when she revealed that Dark Side would be the next single...she said that everywhere they went people were requesting Dark Side as a single so they just went with it and was like "Alright". This had me believe that they had another single planned but switched to Dark Side because it's the fan favorite of the album.
I actually wouldnt be surprised if they are FORCED to release I Forgive You at some point. With big name producers they sometimes have deals and Darkchild probably told the label that he would give Kelly I Forgive You only if it would be a single.
Anyway, I was board and decided to post my ideas LOL
Anyone agree?
IFY would definitely be a single with the producer and the radio-friendliness of it!
TWIO i think would be released for the news and the staff saying that it is a grammy worthy winning song
LMD should be released too with its explosive chorus!