Originally posted by DMDR
I responded why it was boring, because all we got was on tv performance and a crappy 3 song live gig. Everything you say is correct but not really the point I was making.
Plus more tv performances during and afters its release could have helped the song sell more, its done well, but had she done maybe one or two more tv performances during and after release the song might be pushing Gold right now. There is more to a song than getting a number 1 peak, its getting it to sell as much as possible.
Isn't that the record label's job though? After all Cheryl gets £0 from Crazy Stupid Love.
I also believe she should do more music oriented things instead of X Factor, Perfumes, Clothes range (?), Eyelashes etc but I don't think she's behind the decision of how many tv performances she does.
Btw, she's in LA with her husband, no idea why she's there and if it has something to do with her music.