Screaming at you bottom, dumbass twinks shading Mariah yet again. I know you're young and too busy cleaning off with tissues after you watch a Katy Perry video, but you do realize no one will be on top forever right? As for a talentless hack like Katy, it's only a matter of time before she is not #1 anymore, which happens to every single artist ever. It's a fact. And when that happens, what does she have to fall back on? She has a basic, horrendous voice, no Grammys, no songs that will stand the test of time due to her 10 year old target audience lyrics, and soon to be sagging **** that people will move on from.
At the end of the day, Mariah has sold more, been #1 more, acclaimed more, and is still in the industry 25 years later. And to all getting ready to moan about legacy being brought up like you are fantasizing about taking a dick up your ass, at the end of the day when an artist is not on top anymore which will happen to Katy too, what does she have to be remembered for? Young girls first concert they joke about and a whipped cream bra.