A fairly unique pokémon. Its signature move Chatter allows you to record your voice to use as Chatot's battlecry. Pretty original. Sadly this feature was removed in XY though. It's the only thing that made you slightly interesting.
Battle Use: Wait, this thing can battle too? Oh... Well, with 92 Special Attack and 91 Speed I guess you can deal some damage. And your signature move Chatter has 65 Base Power and always confuses the target as of XY. That's pretty good actually. The problem with you is that if someone simply pokes you, you already lie dead on the floor.
Final Thoughts: Brb, teaching it some filthy language.
I'd need a new page for the next... The next update has 3 poké's
2 of them have some known fans. 1 of them will cause some guaranteed meltdowns. It's been brought up many times, people are rooting for it, but it didn't get far at all.