I'm struggling to find something nice to say about you. I think I read some where that you are based on Japanese folk lore of a woman not wanting to melt down her bronze mirror to turn into a bell (explains how it evolves into Bronzong). So you actually have some interesting folklore behind you, but like most Pokemon that are object in real life you're often hated. SORRY.
Battle Use: Steel/Psychic WAS a good type, it still is (despite what AMIT says), and you have some pretty good defenses for a Little Cup Pokemon, and access to great support moves like Reflect and Light Screen. With Heatproof or Levitate as your abilities, you can check off on of your more common weaknesses. You overall a decent defensive wall in LC!
Final Thoughts: You'd do GREAT in the world of Mario.
Total Average: 4.35
Lovers: Lovesong, Haters: Kitt, I.T, Mmmminaj, Bad Influence,