JT's World -9/30/07-Update On JT's Life + Monologue # 2- Lizards
September 30,2007
Ok so today it was raining today it felt so dull & boring & i'm also getting sick of college, I never time for anything fun anymore, the last fun thing I did was the Mandy Moore concert 3 weeks I have not done anything fun since ... until today,
So Today me & my siblings, we made plans to go th Halloween Horror Nights! Which opened yestarday, & I have not been to one! This is the 1st time i'm going to one so i am excited, we are going with a bunch of our friends as well. We are going around October, which is my favorite time of year, I love the last 3 months of the year.
I also bought Kyle XY Season 1 on DVD at Best Buy & went to Starbucks
JT's Monologue -Monologue # 2-
Ok so I LOVE animals, I'm sure you all know that by now, & I'm also a vegertarian, if you guys have not known by now, But yeah I love animals & everytime I see a creature in need, I help it. I like to rescue something that's in need. So lately in my apartment I've been finding lizards & where I live there is alot of them. But that reminded me of when I lived with my parents house back in my middle school/high school days. I remember this one time, when I was back in the 8th grade, me & my sister who was in the 6th grade came home from school & as we were walking inside, we saw this lizard in the living room & 2 of are cats(no longer alive) & are dog (still alive) surrounding the freakin thing & the lizard who was in the middle was just looking at them probably saying what the hell are you doing? you never saw a lizard before LOL!, & I think that my cats & my dog just wanted to play with it, & the game that they were playing was called "Kill The Lizard" LOL!!!! & I think that the lizard wants to play a game, any kind of game where the lizard doesn't get killed like monopoly or hopscotch LOL! anything at all, so the lizard & i've been catching it because sometimes in time but sometimes you never know because they play dead if you guys didn't know that but they had some training done LOL!! & they completly stay in character too because they seemed dead, when i go outside with the lizard in my hand I keep thinking your safe , oh yeah that makes them feel safe the giant (me) look at it LOL!!!! & it will give me a little wink & it will go away but really i put it down & it's on the ground , it just sits there forever & I have to keep checking on it to make sure it got away, but what they do is that they change color when they get scared , it's all bright blue underneath or it was choking ,I don't know LOL! because there was another lizard on top squeezing the stomach & going like that to it, I think that's what he was doing. LOL! But the lizard gets away & sometimes from the cats they just bring the tail in because the tail if you know this, please don't do this at home LOL! but if you hold the tail , it releases the tail & the lizard goes back & grows another tail which is a really good trick, very clever trick, But do you think that the lizards heres the thing that the lizards would pass the word around & warn the other lizards like you know "Hey word on the street you don't want to go in that house & get dead & stay away from the sliding doors with the 2 cats, a dog & a gaint (me) & old lizards tails all lined up" LOL!!! Because every morning , it's like a ritual hello kitties, hello lizards & it could be the same lizard because when I take it out, it looks the same lizard so maybe it's just showing up to sell insurance LOL!!!! The Geico people are very agressive LOL!!! you know, standing in the door way talking to me LOL! I don't know why some cats bring them in the house, maybe there trying to show off here's where I live! heres the living room, I sleep over here LOL!!!!! but anyway it's a good feeling to save something but it's not a good feeling to have a lizard in your hand that's a horrible feeling , I don't really mind saving things though but lizards are weird, but i will pick up anything else. I will also pick up a dance CD & put it on my stereo & dance!