Originally posted by Rihhyonce
Most fictional characters have physical traits that really define them for the readers. Rarely if ever do writers really expound on "skin" color. It's all about those distinctive traits that defines them, their motives, their personality etc etc
"his wicked crooked smile"
"dark gray menacing eyes..Ice cold stare"
"big warm almost eyes. piecing into my soul"
"bouncy curly blonde locks"
"smile hot enough to melt the sun"
"still calmness"
If Halloween was a narrative novel, Michael's skin color wold have been almost irrelevant (if not for the emphasis of his surburbia 1980s lifestyle or his portrayal of a white man in the movies)
"I met this six year old child with this blank, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes; the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil." - The traits that describe him as a character isn't reliant on his skin pigmentation.
..sorry that was supposed to be sent to you lol