Originally posted by itstotallybea
No one is denying that the planets temperature fluctuates naturally but you also can't deny that this time the numbers are going up faster and higher. That isn't normal.
It is also pretty delusional to think that more than 6 billion humans wouldn't have a huge impact on the planet. It is over-populated as it is and with the life of luxury the western world lives of course there will be consequences.
But at least you can admit when you are out of your depth
They're not. The current peak is not as high as the previous ones. If the temperature steadies then that would be a problem. But it looks like it is on the decrease again, which seems to be natural trend that happens every 100000 years. Therefore, you can't really associate the increase of CO2 level with global warming.
I'm not saying that humans do not impact the planet. It is clear that natural resources are becoming scarce and pollution is present. But we're talking about global warming though.
Anyways, I take back the uneducated comment, since you are intelligent. I didn't mean to offend you, it's just my diva attitude