Originally posted by superiore-93
What kind of Hot 100-like complicated mess
Lets see its like this
For like one category like best closetted stan, i nominated
Lady Gaga
Kelly Osbourne
then LG gets 3 pts, Pink 2 pts and Kelly 1 pts then the same applies to every nomination that i get from everyone
So lets say at the end of nominations compilation
Pink lead the nominations with 69 pts leaving Lady Gaga with 40 pts and Kelly with 10 pts. Their points remain as it is.
Then in the voting period each user can only choose 1 from the nominees and lets say superiore voted lady gaga then your vote will be multiplied by 3 pts and the same goes to everyone.
Then at the end of the day when Lady Gaga got 50 pts in the voting period leaving Kelly with 30 pts and P!nk with 10 pts, their points will be calculated to determine the winner.
The winner would be Lady Gaga with 90 pts leaving Pink with 79 pts and Kelly with 40 pts. Its really easy tbh.