Originally posted by ontherocks
Camping over night, tbh. And beware of filthy 15-year old flower headed soldiers. They are ready to kill for the front row.
I ****ing hate those Tumblr c***s.
They were talking tons of **** at the Marina concert because me & my other gay friend are 6'1 & 6'3 & we waited long enough to bookT front row spots. Ya snooze, ya lose... I don't care if you're 4'5.
One fat girl was bitching about us & eating chicken wings at the same time (unsurprisingly). Her hair was long enough to perch on the gate, so I rested my elbow on it. She jerked her neck to talk to her friend & a huge chunk of her hair ripped out of her scalp. Like, you could hear it.
She was choking back tears & told her friends "I need to use the restroom for a seC..." & disappeared to cry in a stall while we all quietly cackled...
It was a great night.